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Our Mission

The Bay Ridge 5th Ave Business Improvement District (BID) is a non-profit organization serving 5th avenue, between 65th and 85th streets. The BID is a partner to local property owners, merchants, residents, elected officials, and community organizations to improve neighborhood conditions, that promote economic and cultural vitality of our commercial corridor. 
With the inclusion of an AvenueNYC grant, the BID is providing additional support for low- and moderate-income merchants and residents. Increase services include but not limited to cultural programming, direct technical assistance, training, and evaluation of areas for improvement through a commercial district needs assessment (CDNA) process. To learn more, read our CDNA!

Our Services

Get Involved

As a business on 5th ave, you are automatically a member of the Business Improvement District (BID).
  • Reach out to the BID to let us know about your promotions, challenges and business needs.
  • Participate in our events to help publicize your store and drive more foot traffic.
  • Make sure we have your contact information to share updates, events, and important policy matters.
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